Uluwatu Temple

uluwatu bali
pura uluwatu

Uluwatu Temple is found in Pecatu Village, Kuta Sub-district, Badung Region, Bali. The temple is 30 kilometers south of Denpasar. Uluwatu Temple, called Luwur Temple also, is one of the six Sad Kahyangan Temples, the key religious pillars in Bali Island.

Background of Uluwatu Temple

You will discover two different viewpoints regarding the background of Uluwatu Temple

  1. Opinions first, Some people assume that the temple was built by Empu Kuturan in 9th AD, during Marakata’s reign.
  2. Second Opinions, Other folks declare that the temple was built by Dang Hyang Nirartha, a pedanda (Hindu monk) from Daha Kingdom (Kediri) in East Java. Dang Hyang Nirartha arrived to Bali in 1546 AD, through the reign of Dalem Waturenggong. The monk built Uluwatu Temple on Pecatu Hill. After concluding a spiritual quest around Bali, the monk returned to Uluwatu Temple and passed away there. He moksa (passed away and his body vanished), going out of the Marcapada (worldly life) and stepping into Swargaloka (heaven).

The Piodalan or ceremony commemorating the temple’s anniversary is performed on Anggara Kasih day, in wuku Medangsia in Caka calendar. Usually the ceremony is maintained for three days and nights thronged by of a large number of Hindus.

Uluwatu Temple rests on the 70-meter-high cliff protruding above Hindia Ocean. Due to its unique location, people to the temple have to have a long natural stone stairway to attain it. The temple minds east, unlike other Balinese temples which face western or south.  There are a huge selection of monkeys roaming along the road beyond the temple. Although the monkeys look tame, tourists see them a nuisance as they often times pick up food off a visitor’s hands and snatch tourists’ belongings. You will discover two gates at the ultimate end of the road, the north door and the southern one, by which visitors enter into the temple organic.

The acces doors take the condition of stone Bentar gates. Standing across from each gate, there are two statues of elephant-headed men. Leading area of the gate is furnished with fine comfort sculpture picturing leaves and flowery habits. Behind the gate, there are stone steps that lead to the inner court. Over the steps, trees and shrubs are harvested to provide cover from the sun.

A little forest lays at the front end and a huge selection of monkeys dwell here. They are thought to guard the temple from bad influences. The serpentine pathway to the temple is fortified by concrete wall surfaces on the cliff area. It requires about one hour to get in one end to some other as there are several fenced things on the way to avoid. The views from underneath of water surging against stones and the sea horizon are tremendous.

The Balinese Hindus assume that the three divine capabilities of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva become one here. That perception results to make Uluwatu Temple a location of worship of Siva Rudra, the Balinese Hindu deity of most elements and areas of life in the world. Uluwatu Temple is also focused on protect Bali from evil sea spirits.

The inner courtroom is an  wide open space paved with natural stone floor. There’s a wooden building near to the north gate. Towards the western, across from the access path, there’s a Paduraksa Gate that starts the path in to the next inner courtroom. Unlike those found outside, this rock gate is finished with roof. The entranceway can be an arch framed with an set up of rocks. There is a sculpture of a huge head above the frame. The most notable of the gate appears like a crown which is decorated with alleviation sculpture. The spaces between gate and the wall surfaces are filled up with a surface packed with relief sculpture.  You can find a tiny rectangular court south that extends out above the ocean. There’s a wooden construction by the end of the courtroom that appears to be a location where people can stay and watching the sea. Uluwatu Temple has  been through several restorations. In 1999, a lightning struck the temple and triggered fire.

Every half a year in line with the Balinese 210-day Pawukon pattern, big temple anniversary celebrations are performed at the temple. The temple’s keeper, the royal family of Jro Kuta from Denpasar, are patrons for the event. Believers respect it as a manifestation of the divine  ability that shields Uluwatu Temple. Open public facilities can be found, however, not in the temple area. Unlike various other holiday destinations in Bali, Pura Uluwatu area has limited levels of hassling vendors.

pura uluwatu
kecak dance

Tourists must wear a sarong and a sash, as well as appropriate clothes common for temple  sessions. They could be hired here. The best time to visit is merely before sunset. Kecak and Fire Dance Performance is conducted everyday at the adjacent cliff-top stage at 18:00 to 19:00. Visitors are charged a nominal fee, the ticket around USD 10/person. Why is it the most preferred venue to view a Kecak dance is the sunset  backdrop of the performance.